Monday, October 15, 2012

Moms Club Sale is DONE!

I have honestly been too busy to post! This is a good thing, though. Today is Monday - who would have ever thought a Monday could feel like such a relaxing day? Saturday was the Moms Club Sale, and I volunteered the day before for setup. Got a lot of stuff out of the house and a good amount of it sold at the sale :D and the rest is packed up for... drumroll... another garage sale, this one to come in the near future to my parents' garage (actual garage on actual street with actual parking, plus in a wealthier town.)

Sent a box of kid stuff home with my brother for my niece.  I am just about done culling stuff for kids younger than my kid.  Woohoo!  Kids have a lot of stuff.

Have also boxed/bagged up a lot of non-kid-related items for the sale, and brought some of them (more tomorrow) over to my parents' garage.  They're not technically "gone" yet, but they are not coming back to this house EVER!

Mistakenly told Husband that this week was trash pickup week, when it is actually next week.  But that's ok, it got our butts in gear and we're ahead of the game, and we sure can use the extra week to get more junk ready to go.

Got my business cards for my new enterprise - "Holly, Queen of Junk" as my dad so lovingly puts it.

Also lined up another job managing a contents sale, and have to return a call tomorrow regarding a second sale.  I don't know how I will find the time to do both (plus my sale) before the weather turns too cold - fingers crossed that something good will come of global warming for once.  I can't believe that I, Packrat,  am crazy enough to be trying to help other people downsize WHILE downsizing my own life, but these jobs seem to be coming my way and who am to turn down work?  Plus it feels good to help people.  People who pay me.  That doesn't hurt either.

My house is a disaster and I have BOXES of books waiting to be listed and sent to Amazon's warehouse.  I need them out!


  1. So, you do garage sales for other people? I've never heard of a contents sale.

  2. Yup! They're basically estate sales but that sounds too morbid, since half the time nobody died, just selling the house and the buyer doesn't want the furnishings. It's hard work but kind of fun - like, a week or two of intense manual labor, then a yard sale, then, hopefully, a few thousand dollars!
