Other than that, I don't have any huge-huge milestones to brag about. Honestly, I feel like I have been so busy just keeping up with the house and family/daily grind that I haven't had any time to get PAST the regular stuff to the culling. Due to a series of not-quite-comical mishaps this morning, my regular chores for the day extended through the afternoon. The pile of books that is halfway ready to send to Amazon is sitting in the same spot it was a week ago, still half ready. I DID clean and thoroughly mop the kitchen/laundry/hall/powder room area today, but again, that's just maintaining. But it looks nice.
I have a few deadlines coming up:
October 12 - drop off consignment items that I will be selling in the Mom's Club Sale. Yay for not having to ship things! I have a bunch of stuff set aside already, but I want to get more. I optimistically ordered 100 tags. As if.
Week of Oct 22-26 - City of Milford's Fall Clean-Up Week, where you can put as much trash out to the curb as many days as you want to and they'll haul it away for free. I REALLY want to take advantage of this. I bought a 40-pack of Glad Forceflex Super Heavy Duty large trash bags specifically for this purpose. I want to get started on this soon but I don't want a mountain of trash bags piled up on my front porch while I wait for the week to arrive.
Great idea, using that box of bags as inspiration! I think you can fill at least half of them. :-) I have FAITH! Keep it up!