Tuesday, August 21, 2012

And On And On It Goes...

WOW.  It's been quite a while since I've posted here.  Some of you probably wondered if I'd just given up on the whole "simplify" thing so quickly... I HAVE NOT.  I've just been super-busy.  That estate sale I mentioned in the last post was this past weekend, and it. was. AMAZING.  I sold EVERYTHING!  That has never happened before.  I didn't even need to call the donation truck to pick anything up.  Plus, I behaved myself, ignoring all the nifty doo-dads that I not only had first dibs on but could have scored at a really discounted price.  All I bought was a large, high quality area rug which I could not resist, and a chair which was free b/c nobody had bought it until the end, which I will trade in and send 2 other chairs packing in exchange.

So it hasn't been the busiest de-cluttering week in my own house, but I still managed to get more out than in.  Dropped off 2 shopping bags of books to the Goodwill donation yesterday, AND I threw out the large amount of garbage that was fluttering around inside my car.  <<< That one is huge.  I mean, it wasn't up to the windows, but it was a constant state of wrappers and empty cups, etc.

If anyone has a time machine, teleporter, or even just a utility trailer they'd be willing to loan me, please let me know!
  William Morris Phrase

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering just this morning how you were doing with this. Glad to hear you are still making progress.
