- Bin Garbage
- Bin Recycling
- Broken Crib - unfortunately, it broke when we disassembled it, but someone came along before the trash men this morning and picked it up, so maybe they'll do something neat with the pieces. It is missing a vital piece so no worries that anyone would try to use it for a child.
- KitchenAid mixer - SOLD. This thing was too heavy, valuable, and coveted by others to continue to let it just sit and take up room on my counter. I've had it 6 years and probably used it as many times. The girl I sold it to is SUPER THRILLED about it and can't wait to use it - I hope she makes many delicious things!
- 4 more Amazon sales
- 2 boxes to go out to Amazon warehouse today.
- 2 boxes of random stuff ready for yard sale
- Set of Sango Nova Brown dishes with lots of extra pieces- will probably try to sell locally as they are heavy to ship...
- Culling of china cabinet, incl. glasware and table linens
- Clothes still needing to be listed