All these magazines went out unopened today (some never read at all). Don't worry, there are more.
I also have 3 boxes of books sorted to sell, with one of the 3 boxes nearly ready to ship out to Amazon - tomorrow I will print out the barcodes and then I should be able to UPS them out tomorrow afternoon. One of the more time-consuming ways to get rid of, but good in the fact that it gets them literally out of my way and into Amazon's storage right away before I even sell them.
The rule for keeping (non-childrens) books is that it has to be a rare print, an oft-used reference (that can't be easily replaced by internet, such as a few choice yoga books), or one of those favorite books that we like to be able to pick up and read over and over and over again, ex. Christopher Moore's Lamb, a few Neil Gaiman, etc. The kids books are a whole other, well, box of books.
Have a box of dvd's ready to sell too, but there are a lot more "keepers" there, esp. in these days of no video stores!
Done today - some books listed, 2 bags of garbage out, magazines out.
Books - in progress
Next up - craft de-stash or clothing
Yay for you! I'm a pretty ruthless declutterer of a lot of things, but books are my Achilles' heel.