Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Major Pile of Trash -- GONE!

The trash men were so on the ball that they had picked up half of it before we were done, and before I could take a pic!  Instead, I bring you this quote via Facebook.

Curbside "treasures" to the curb included:

  • 2 mattresses
  • 2 box springs
  • 1 enormous futon mattress
  • 6 bags of garbage
  • 1 can of garbage
  • 4 boxes of "treasures"
  • 1 huge bin of recycling
  • 2 small bins of recycling
  • 1 old dishwasher
  • several disgusting old bed pillows
  • an ancient decrepit baby exersaucer
  • much, much more...
And there's still more to go!  Two more days left.  My body is aching (most of this stuff was up in the attic and had to be lugged down 3 flights of stairs) but my soul feels so good!  There is a lot of work left to go but we have made a major dent in the downsizing.  I only wish I had done (or at least started) this AGES ago.  People, if you're getting the urge to purge, don't put it off!  It's only stuff, and it will weigh you down.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gearing Up For Trash Week!

The first round of garbage is on the curb, with more ready to head out tomorrow.  There was only so many trips down to the basement and only so much dust we could inhale during Son's naptime.

(This is in addition to the giant trash bin full of stuff which we put to curb after this pic was taken.)

There are also more bags/piles in the basement waited to be carried out, and piles and bags of recycling to go out.  Even in this mass purge, I find it very hard not to recycle.

I'm so sick of looking at STUFF.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Moms Club Sale is DONE!

I have honestly been too busy to post! This is a good thing, though. Today is Monday - who would have ever thought a Monday could feel like such a relaxing day? Saturday was the Moms Club Sale, and I volunteered the day before for setup. Got a lot of stuff out of the house and a good amount of it sold at the sale :D and the rest is packed up for... drumroll... another garage sale, this one to come in the near future to my parents' garage (actual garage on actual street with actual parking, plus in a wealthier town.)

Sent a box of kid stuff home with my brother for my niece.  I am just about done culling stuff for kids younger than my kid.  Woohoo!  Kids have a lot of stuff.

Have also boxed/bagged up a lot of non-kid-related items for the sale, and brought some of them (more tomorrow) over to my parents' garage.  They're not technically "gone" yet, but they are not coming back to this house EVER!

Mistakenly told Husband that this week was trash pickup week, when it is actually next week.  But that's ok, it got our butts in gear and we're ahead of the game, and we sure can use the extra week to get more junk ready to go.

Got my business cards for my new enterprise - "Holly, Queen of Junk" as my dad so lovingly puts it.

Also lined up another job managing a contents sale, and have to return a call tomorrow regarding a second sale.  I don't know how I will find the time to do both (plus my sale) before the weather turns too cold - fingers crossed that something good will come of global warming for once.  I can't believe that I, Packrat,  am crazy enough to be trying to help other people downsize WHILE downsizing my own life, but these jobs seem to be coming my way and who am to turn down work?  Plus it feels good to help people.  People who pay me.  That doesn't hurt either.

My house is a disaster and I have BOXES of books waiting to be listed and sent to Amazon's warehouse.  I need them out!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Treading Water at Home

but kicking butt out in the workplace. I am about to commit, officially, to this side gig of managing estate/contents sales, and get myself some business cards, since I lost count of how many times at last weekend's sale I wished I had one to give out. I also got the domain name, but there's nothing happening there yet. My entrepreurial venture of helping other people get rid of THEIR stuff shall henceforth be known as

Second Impression Objects

Details to follow soon!

Back to my own house... well, I finally got the many, many, MANY toys up off the living room floor long enough today to vacuum the area rug.  That was kind of my big accomplishment for today. 

In recent days since my last post, I DID...

  • get the garbage out to the curb in time for pickup today, but the bin was only about 2/3 full.  
  • got nearly everything together to sell at the Moms' Club sale this month, and I picked up the tags, so I just need to price them, and clean off a few items. 
  • went through a(nother) pile of papers and recycled what could go, put the rest in my to-file box.  
  • packed up some extraneous (but occasionally necessary) blankets, sheets, etc. in one of those huge vacuum-seal bags.
  • packed up the majority of my summer clothes in a suitcase.
  • sold a few more books on Amazon (though I still have boxes all over my dining room waiting to be sent out to the warehouse.)
I'm sure there was more, but life has been so nuts that I can't remember.